Depression: The emotional storm |
This is something I've been intending to write for a long time and unfortunately I have a lot of experience on the subject. Depression is prevalent in our society and it seems like it is growing, more people are on some sort of anti-depressant than not. That's what it seems like to me.
I want to first say I have no medical experience, the techniques that I share have only made my experience a little more bearable. I do have a thought on why it seems more popular these days as well besides the fact that it is talked about more than it used to be.
The first thing people say when you mention depression is "oh, I get sad too sometimes" that is the first statement that tells me I need to end the conversation. For me, it has little to do with sadness although sadness is often an after-effect of depression.
It's the feeling of absence. The scariest part is when you are in a place where you should be happy and be enjoying yourself and you still feel nothing, this is when it really feels hopeless.
The sadness come when you don''t feel like it will ever end. It's hard to be around other people because you can't interact in a normal manor. You are distant and unaffected and the hardest thing is to just keep that feeling to yourself.
So how does one go about making that feeling a bit less uncomfortable? I have decided to make a list and with this list I will expand upon each aspect and eventually release a book on the subject.
1.Whatever your first instinct is, do the opposite: My biggest rule is if you are in the midst of depression, do anything but what you feel like doing. Usually you want to isolate yourself, sleep more, watch depressing movies or just avoid interaction. My suggestion would be to do the opposite of what your first instinct is. So many times when I was in college my room mate talked me into going out swimming, the last thing I would have preferred doing and I always thanked him afterwards.
2. Exercise: Expanding on the recent idea, swim, run, dance, do something active. I have recently realized the change after starting to work out on a regular basis. The body releases endorphins and you will greatly appreciate the effect you can get from working out. It is a temporary fix but the chemistry in your body changes on a regular basis and I have felt a definite change just from taking up a regular regiment of working out.
3. Don't Drink: The same feeling will be there after you drink only now you will be more confused, more guilty and definitely more depressed. Alcohol is a depressant-the last thing you want to do and again often your first instinct.
4. Talk, to Someone you Trust: As Shrek would say, better out than in, thoughts, ideas, feelings, hurt; they are all active in the brain, ignoring them won't make them go away, it only makes them more confusing. If you avoid reacting the way the body and mind would instinctually react than your brain and body will react in an abnormal way-to me this is where anxiety becomes present.
5. Medication: After thirty plus years of dealing with depression on a monthly or yearly basis I finally realized it was too exhausting to ignore it any longer. Paxil made life so much better. It changed the way my brain processed, I am very fond of Serotonin and in recent years have discovered the benefits of dopamine. It is a medical condition, just like cancer, a broken arm, it is not just something to deal with and it doesn't make you crazy or weak, be honest when you are unable to handle it yourself, there is help available.
6. Chocolate: There are chemicals in chocolate that have actually been proven to help with the symptoms of depression. Call it an aspirin, I'm not saying you are going to be cured, or even feel much better, but it does take the edge off.
7. Spirituality: It is an amazing force of nature. Prayer does do amazing things and having a power bigger than yourself is very comforting in the midst of feeling hopeless. I have experienced many miraculous things that have only strengthened my faith.
8. Counseling: A good counselor can really help you sort things out, just remember you must be part of the solution. No one can give you the answers, they can only allow you to work through situations and find your own clarity.
I hope this was helpful or insightful for others that may be struggling through depression. Remember one thing, there is hope and there are lots of resources to help you get through your situation. You are not alone. I will have several more posts on this subject, let me know if anything resonated.